Face Vacation
Acne, Pimple...Whatever you call it.
Once you have it, you try to cover it, and you get worse.
You all know deep down in your heart that you shouldn't cover your acne with cosmetics....but 'life' and 'socirty' force you to cover it.
But in order to treat your face for good, stop hurting your skin in long term...
you need to take your face to rest. No more make up, sun screen, chemicals cover on your pores.
'Face Vacation' is a term of the women who gives her pores a rest, has the courage to go out in bare face. No more hiding the acnes underneath the foundation. Praise to the women who has the courage to give her face a vacation (we all know it's not easy) And one day the worm face will turn into a beautifully butterfly.
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